
I think about what you taught us in your philosophy lectures daily. I appreciate the time and effort you put into your teaching so much. You have given me so much, and I’m very grateful.

Student, 2018 year

Your classes changed the way I see the world and process my experiences on a daily basis. You should know how helpful your classes are.

Student, 2010 year

The careful time you spend … crafting each lecture and assignment … has an uncommon effect on students – it makes us want to give you something worthy of your time. The care you showed to us alone made your classes the best I’ve ever had.

Student, 2010 year

Your presentation of Ancient thought was so subtly excellent that it took leaving Augustine for me to fully see its uniqueness. Having recently finished a class on Ancient Greek Philosophy at the University of [name withheld], I saw a very different manner of presenting ancient thought than yours. Instead of dealing with the ideas themselves, the professor came to texts looking to criticize … them, the … validity of the ideas, all in the context of a certain skepticism towards knowledge and authority. You introduced us to the ideas themselves, teaching us not that scholars disagree … but, rather, the importance of seeking truth.

Student, 2010 year

I’m not sure where to start or how to describe what this year has done in my life. I know it has radically shattered and reformed my perspective. I think it’s safe to say that I left most (if not all) of your Philosophy lectures … completely humbled. Many times this year I’ve realized how much I have to learn from people who know a lot better than I do – those times have made me eager to learn more

Student, 2011 year