On the approach at this school

the basics

Each COURSE is divided into an INTRODUCTION & 10 SECTIONS.

Each SECTION is subdivided into about 4 units or LESSONS that are each of 40 to 50 minutes in length.

A SECTION is therefore about 3 hours long and a COURSE is about 33 hours long.

A school could therefore offer a course in one term, covering one SECTION a week for 11 weeks. 

The individual LESSONS are videos. The videos are not footage of me at the lectern or the blackboard, talking. (Watching a video of that nature, it seems to me, affords a delight analogous to watching someone eat.)

Video allows me to show you what we are talking about (texts, people, life, the world, what people think in ordinary life, scholarly opinions, illustrations, explanatory analogies, charts and diagrams, etc.).

In all the lectures, when passages of the text we are studying are cited, onscreen page references are given to the READING.

Scholars upon whom I draw in understanding these thinkers are credited and whenever they are cited footnotes are given to their works.

Signing up for a COURSE includes

[1]  access to the VIDEO

[2]  a pdf of the READING each lecture is based on (the text of a philosophical work)

[3]  a pdf OUTLINE of each lecture with a BIBLIOGRAPHY

[4]  QUESTIONS on the text & what chiefly one can learn from it (taught in the lecture) – delayed for the moment as the main content goes up

[5] a pdf of the primary teachings (summed up as PROPOSITIONS short enough to remember)